
RUNCLUB tomorrow will meet at the Compo Beach parking lot at 7am!


Warm-up with a 400m run and 3min Ride, Row or Ski


A. 3 rounds:

10/leg standing on box one leg heel taps (don’t push off floor try to work on single leg strength ) 

*add weight if able to do controlled

Rest 20 sec

8/arm Half kneeling TGU to elbow 

Rest 20 sec

15-20 seated banded PVC pipe lat pull downs behind neck + 15-20 Half kneeling tricep press downs

Rest 20 sec


20-25 min EMOM:

Min 1: 15/12 Cal row or ski

Min 2: 15 wall ball 

Min 3: 50-65 double under or 100 singles 

Min 4: 6-7 devil’s press @50/35# or 45/30# or 40/25# per hand 

Min 5: rest 

*shouldn’t be working for more than 45 sec 


Every 2 mins x 5 sets:

8-10 burpees

20 jumping lunges 

rest 3 mins

Every 2 mins x 5 sets:

20 jumping air squats

20/15 push ups


For time:

3 rounds

300m Run 

30 plank up downs 

20 curtsy lunges 


Core finisher if time:

Coaches choice =)

Wednesday 9.30.20


Warm up – with an empty bar

5 Bar Dead Lifts

5 Jump and Shrug from the hang

5 Muscle Cleans from the hang

5 Front Squats from the hang

5 Hang Power Cleans

x 2 rounds

A. Hang Power cleans , 5-4-3-2-1 

Build over each set on decreasing weight 

*Rest as needed between

B. 3 sets:

8-10/side Crossbody DB RDL

Rest 20 sec

Standing DB Lateral raises x 10 reps + 10 sec Hold on last rep 

Rest 20 sec

12/side Plank side rotations 

Rest 20 sec


3 min AMRAP:

15/10 Cal Air bike 

12 STOH @135/95 or 115/85 or 95/65#

AMRAP in remainder time Alt. Back Rack barbell lunges 

Rest 90 sec 

x 4 sets 


3 sets:

12 left arm Split stance Bent over row

12 right arm Split stance bent over row

Rest 10 sec 

15 KB Good Mornings (hug to chest)

Rest 10 sec

50m Uneven Carry (one in front rack + 1 OH )

50m Switch arms


Every 6 mins x 4 sets:

400m Run 

10/left arm KB Swings

10/right arm KB Swings 

10/arm SA KB thrusters

20 Hand taps to KB 


A1. Barbell Strict press @20×1 x 15-12-9- 6 

Rest 30 sec

A2. DB Fly laying back on bench x 12 reps x 4 sets

Rest 30 sec 

A3. 8-10/arm single arm Ring row @30×1

Rest 30 sec

B. 3 rounds: (arm Burner)

10 DB Front raises 

10 DB lateral raises

10 DB High pulls

10 DB Military Strict press 

20-30sec DB OH Hold

Rest  90sec b.t

C.  Leg burner:

9-12 min EMOM:

Min 1: 30 sec Weighted curtsy lunge

Min 2: 30 sec Front rack KB wall sit

Min 3: 30 sec KB RDL 

Tuesday 9.29.20

RUNCLUB will meet at the gym tomorrow morning.



40s on 10s off
Slam Ball Thrusters
Slam Ball Squats
Slider Hamstring Curls
½ Kneeling KB Chops left (video)
½ Kneeling KB Chops right

x 2 rounds

A. Deadlift – work to a tough Triple @11×1 for the day in 10mins 

B. Every 2 mins x 4 sets:

AMRAP strict mixed grip pull ups or 10 tough Barbell bent over supinated grip rows


AMRAP Banded push ups unbroken or regular push ups (good quality push ups, use bench if needed or ab mats)

*should have about 1 min rest each round 


For time:


Thruster @95/65 or 75/55#

TTB or lying tuck ups 

*run 400m after each round 

*18 min time cap 


4 rounds:

3 mins on /90 sec off:

10 DB L-sit press

10 DB Lying Bench press

50 double under or 100 singles

AMRAP DB Alternating Snatch 


4 rounds:

3 mins on /90 sec off:

10 DB Front squats 

10/leg DB Front rack reverse lunges 

AMRAP DB burpees in remainder time 


Core finisher if time:

3 sets:

10 DB Front raises (use one DB With both Hands)

10 DB Bicep curls per arm 

10/arm DB plank drag through 

Monday 9.28.20



10 squat to press to stand – with small band and light DB

10 Clam Shells Left/Right

10 SA alternating reverse lunges R/L

x 2 rounds


A. 4 sets:

3 Front squats

6 Back squats  

*try for the same weight as last week or a little less

Rest as needed b/t

B. 3 sets:

30-45 sec KB front rack wall sit 

Rest 20 sec

8/arm Standing KB Alternating Push press @20×1 (tough reps, switch at bottom holding in front rack position )

Rest 20 sec

12-15 KB Shrugs into 12-15 fast controlled (light bent over flies)

Rest 20 sec 


10 min AMRAP:

8 Left arm KB Deadlifts @70/53 or 60/44

8 Right arm KB deadlifts @70/53 or 60/44

8 RKBS @70/53# or 60/44

8 box jumps @30/24” or 24/20”


No Equipment 

5 rounds:

300m run 

20 Jumping Air squats- feet in and out

20 sit ups

20 push ups

20 walking lunges

Rest 2-3 mins b/t rounds

*high effort 



3 rounds:

15/leg SL RDL (slow and controlled)

15/side plank hip taps

15/side penguin heel taps 



A. 1 Squat snatch + 1 OHS- build to a tough single for the day or 1 Squat clean +1 Front squat 

*10-12 mins to build 

B. 8-10 min steady flow:

8/leg jumping Bulgarian split squat (weighted light)

Rest as needed

DB Crush grip Incline chest press  x 12-15 tough reps @20×1

Rest as needed

Standing OH DB Tricep ext x 12-15 tough reps @20×1

Rest as needed


Every 3 mins x 5 sets:

15/12 cal row or Ski erg

10 Alt. Db power snatch 



Partner WOD

For time:

400m Med ball run/carry (switching when needed)

40 DB Push press

40 DB Front squats

40 med-ball sit ups (throwing ball to partner)

300m Med ball run/carry

30 DB Push press

30 DB front squats 

30 Med ball sit ups 

200m Med ball run/carry

20 DB push press 

20 DB Front squats 

20 Med ball Sit ups

100m Med ball run/carry

10 DB push press

10 DB Front squat

10 med ball sit ups 

*one person at a time on push press/front squats 


Coach’s choice !


A. 3 sets:

8/side KB Windmill

Rest 20 sec

12-15 Single leg (foot on box ) glute hip bridge 

Rest 20 sec

20 plank up downs 

Rest 20 sec


5 rounds :

500m Row or Ski 

15 DB thrusters 

15 ball slams

15 box jump overs

Rest 2 mins b.t rounds

*switch order around each set !


A. 3 sets:

DB Crush grip Incline chest press  x 12-15 tough reps @20×1

Rest 30 sec

One arm DB Row with rotation at top x 12-15 tough reps per arm @20×1 (kneeling on bench on hand and leg on )

Rest 30 sec

Single arm Glute bridge DB Bench press x 12-15/arm @20×1 (rest back on wall ball or sandbag, hips off ground the whole time)

Rest 30 sec

Bent over DB T Row x 12-15 tough reps @20×1 (One DB in the middle of your legs, hands together on )

Rest 30 sec 

B. 3 sets:

Standing 1 DB Bicep curl crusher @30×1 x 12-15 tough reps

Rest 20 sec

Half Kneeling 1 Db Strict press @30×1 x 12-15 tough reps 

Rest 20 sec

10/side slider lunges (one foot on slider)

Rest 20 sec 

C. Finisher:

10/leg jumping Bulgarian split squats

15/side kb side bends

20sec/arm KB bottoms up 90/90 hold

x 3-4 rounds