RUNCLUB tomorrow will meet at the Compo Beach parking lot at 7am!


Warm-up with a 400m run and 3min Ride, Row or Ski


A. 3 rounds:

10/leg standing on box one leg heel taps (don’t push off floor try to work on single leg strength ) 

*add weight if able to do controlled

Rest 20 sec

8/arm Half kneeling TGU to elbow 

Rest 20 sec

15-20 seated banded PVC pipe lat pull downs behind neck + 15-20 Half kneeling tricep press downs

Rest 20 sec


20-25 min EMOM:

Min 1: 15/12 Cal row or ski

Min 2: 15 wall ball 

Min 3: 50-65 double under or 100 singles 

Min 4: 6-7 devil’s press @50/35# or 45/30# or 40/25# per hand 

Min 5: rest 

*shouldn’t be working for more than 45 sec 


Every 2 mins x 5 sets:

8-10 burpees

20 jumping lunges 

rest 3 mins

Every 2 mins x 5 sets:

20 jumping air squats

20/15 push ups


For time:

3 rounds

300m Run 

30 plank up downs 

20 curtsy lunges 


Core finisher if time:

Coaches choice =)