RUNCLUB will meet at the gym tomorrow morning.



40s on 10s off
Slam Ball Thrusters
Slam Ball Squats
Slider Hamstring Curls
½ Kneeling KB Chops left (video)
½ Kneeling KB Chops right

x 2 rounds

A. Deadlift – work to a tough Triple @11×1 for the day in 10mins 

B. Every 2 mins x 4 sets:

AMRAP strict mixed grip pull ups or 10 tough Barbell bent over supinated grip rows


AMRAP Banded push ups unbroken or regular push ups (good quality push ups, use bench if needed or ab mats)

*should have about 1 min rest each round 


For time:


Thruster @95/65 or 75/55#

TTB or lying tuck ups 

*run 400m after each round 

*18 min time cap 


4 rounds:

3 mins on /90 sec off:

10 DB L-sit press

10 DB Lying Bench press

50 double under or 100 singles

AMRAP DB Alternating Snatch 


4 rounds:

3 mins on /90 sec off:

10 DB Front squats 

10/leg DB Front rack reverse lunges 

AMRAP DB burpees in remainder time 


Core finisher if time:

3 sets:

10 DB Front raises (use one DB With both Hands)

10 DB Bicep curls per arm 

10/arm DB plank drag through