
10 – 8 – 6*
Toes To Kettlebell (on floor, KB overhead, crunch straight leg to KB)
Single Arm KB Floor Press in Hollow Position (L/R)
-KB Bulgarian Split Squat (L/R)

*Start Each Round with 15|12 Cal Bike

A. 3 sets:
5 Push jerks (pause in catch 2 sec per rep)
Rest 20 sec
20 Alt. DB box step ups (tough)
Rest 20 sec
Strict Mix grip pull ups @21×1 x 5-6 tough reps (add weight if possible or use bands)
Rest as needed
B. 3 mins on/1 min off x 4 sets:
10 Box jumps @24/20”
10 Sumo Deadlift high pull @75/55#
10 Front squats @75/55#

5 rounds for time:
20 Plate GTO
20 Plate OH Walking lunges
*15 min time cap
Rest as needed
12 min AMRAP:
10/Side plate russian twist
10 No pushup burpee onto plate
20 air squats

For time
Box jump over @24/20”
KBS @53/35#
Cross Body Mountain climber per side
*15 min time cap
Rest 5 mins
3 rounds for time
20 DB Front squats
400m run
20 DB Push press
*15 min time cap

A. 4 sets:
Incline DB Bench press 2 sec down 2 sec pause in bottom x 8-10 tough reps
Right into
Incline KB Prone lying Row 2 sec pause at top x 8-10 tough reps
Rest 1 min
B. 3 sets:
AMRAP unbroken kipping pull ups or 25 Banded Russian KBS (tough weight)
Rest 15 sec
Uneven Push ups x 8-10/side (use ball )
Rest 15 sec
DB Front raises x 10/arm (holding one arm UP the whole time then switch)
Rest 15 sec
Banded pull aparts x 20-25 reps
Rest as needed

Partner Saturday

Warm-up – Coach’s Choice!


Partner WOD
Cash in : 600m run – together
20 rounds for time:
“I go u Go”
4 DB Devil’s press
6/leg DB Walking lunges
8 Cal air bike
Cash out: 600m run – together

20 rounds for time:
“I Go u GO”
24 double under or 48 singles (1x shuttle run)
6 DB thrusters
4 DB Devils press
*25 min time cap
*cash out 1,000m run -together


Warm-up: Coach’s Choice


6 rounds for max reps:
1 min MAX Cal Air bike /rowing
1 min MAX DB Power clean + Jerk
1 min Max burpee box jumps @24/20”
1 min Max Weighted sit ups
1 min rest
20 Banded Pull aparts
20 Banded Strict press
20 banded Good mornings
X 3 sets

10 rounds:
5-10 push ups
10 No pushup burpee- no jump at top
15 jumping air squats
20/side Plank shoulder taps
Rest 30-45 sec b.t rounds
*25 min time cap
For time:
800m run
1 mile run if time

A. 4 sets:
Barbell strict press x 8 tough reps
Right into
DB renegade rows x 8/arm – tough
Rest 1 min
B. 3 sets:
Inverted barbell row 3 sec chin over bar pause x 5-8 tough reps
Rest 15 sec
DB Push press with 3 sec lower down x 10-12 tough reps
Rest 15 sec
DB Bicep curl x 12-15 reps with 10 sec hold on last rep
Rest 15 sec
DB bent over 90/90 Kick outs x 12-15 tough reps
Rest as needed


30 sec AB ride
10 banded Good Mornings
30 sec AB faster
10 banded Thrusters
30 sec AB sprint
50ft bear crawl
*Do the warm-up in back. Leave the ABs in place and work back there.
** Partner up if there are more peeps than bikes and switch off.


A. 4 Deadlifts + 3 Hang Power cleans + 2 front squats – every 90 sec x 8 sets
*building on each set, if you need more rest go every 2 mins
B. 5 rounds for time:
30 wall balls @20/14#
200m run
*20 min time cap

For time:
Sumo KB Deadlift high pull
Goblet squat
Crossbody Mountain Climbers per side
Rest 3 mins
12 min EMOM:
1- 40 sec KBS
2- 40 sec KB Hip thrusts
3- 40 sec KB Plank drag through
4- 40 sec Banded pull aparts


Row 250m
10 Push Ups
10 BB Good Mornings

*Add some weight to the bar

Row 250m
10 Push Press
10 Push Ups
10 Back Rack Lunges

*add some weight to the bar


A. Push press- work to tough Double in 8-10 mins
B. 3 sets:
10/arm DB Bench press w/ ISO hold – tough
DB Bicep curl W/ ISO hold x 10-12/arm (hold 1 arm at 90% complete reps then switch arms)
Plank Hold w/ Side to side Hip taps x 30-45 sec
C. 10 min AMRAP:
10 Power snatch @95/65# or 20 Alt. DB power snatch @50/35#
10 TTB

4 min AMRAP:
10/arm Alt. DB power snatch
10/arm DB Thrusters
Rest 90 sec
4 min AMRAP:
1x shuttle run
10 DB Squat cleans
Rest 90 sec
4 min AMRAP:
10 DB Push press
10/leg Jumping lunge
Rest 90 sec
X 2 rounds through each

4 sets:
8 Close grip barbell bench press- tough
Right into
8-12 DB double DB bent over row
Rest 1 min
3 sets:
Wide grip strict pull ups with 1 sec pause chin over bar x 5 reps (use band if needed)
Rest 15 sec
Seated DB Bent over fly with 1 sec pause at top x 10-12 tough reps
Rest 15 sec
Ring push ups 1 sec pause in bottom x AMRAP Unbroken -1 (deficit push up or regular
Rest 15 sec
Lying Skull crusher x 15- 20 tough reps
Rest 1 min


10 Slam Ball Power Clean and Push Press
200m Slam Ball Run
10 Bent Over Slam Ball Rows
400m Run (no slam ball)


A. Front squat 3 sec down 1 sec in bottom x 4 reps x 4 sets
Rest 15 sec
Upper back on bench Single leg weighted hip thrust x 8-10/leg (use DB on hip) x 4 sets
Rest 90 sec b.t sets
4 min AMRAP:
30/24 Cal rowing
10 Hang squat cleans @115/85#
Max CTB/Pull ups or Bar muscle ups in remainder time
Rest 2 mins
X 3 sets

3 min AMRAP:
4 burpees
6 sit ups
8 Push ups
10 Air squats
Rest 1 min
X 5 sets
Every 3 mins x 5 sets:
400m run @ high effort