A. 1 Squat snatch + 1 OHS- build to a tough single for the day or 1 Squat clean +1 Front squat 

*10-12 mins to build 

B. 8-10 min steady flow:

8/leg jumping Bulgarian split squat (weighted light)

Rest as needed

DB Crush grip Incline chest press  x 12-15 tough reps @20×1

Rest as needed

Standing OH DB Tricep ext x 12-15 tough reps @20×1

Rest as needed


Every 3 mins x 5 sets:

15/12 cal row or Ski erg

10 Alt. Db power snatch 



Partner WOD

For time:

400m Med ball run/carry (switching when needed)

40 DB Push press

40 DB Front squats

40 med-ball sit ups (throwing ball to partner)

300m Med ball run/carry

30 DB Push press

30 DB front squats 

30 Med ball sit ups 

200m Med ball run/carry

20 DB push press 

20 DB Front squats 

20 Med ball Sit ups

100m Med ball run/carry

10 DB push press

10 DB Front squat

10 med ball sit ups 

*one person at a time on push press/front squats 


Coach’s choice !


A. 3 sets:

8/side KB Windmill

Rest 20 sec

12-15 Single leg (foot on box ) glute hip bridge 

Rest 20 sec

20 plank up downs 

Rest 20 sec


5 rounds :

500m Row or Ski 

15 DB thrusters 

15 ball slams

15 box jump overs

Rest 2 mins b.t rounds

*switch order around each set !


A. 3 sets:

DB Crush grip Incline chest press  x 12-15 tough reps @20×1

Rest 30 sec

One arm DB Row with rotation at top x 12-15 tough reps per arm @20×1 (kneeling on bench on hand and leg on )

Rest 30 sec

Single arm Glute bridge DB Bench press x 12-15/arm @20×1 (rest back on wall ball or sandbag, hips off ground the whole time)

Rest 30 sec

Bent over DB T Row x 12-15 tough reps @20×1 (One DB in the middle of your legs, hands together on )

Rest 30 sec 

B. 3 sets:

Standing 1 DB Bicep curl crusher @30×1 x 12-15 tough reps

Rest 20 sec

Half Kneeling 1 Db Strict press @30×1 x 12-15 tough reps 

Rest 20 sec

10/side slider lunges (one foot on slider)

Rest 20 sec 

C. Finisher:

10/leg jumping Bulgarian split squats

15/side kb side bends

20sec/arm KB bottoms up 90/90 hold

x 3-4 rounds