Partner Saturday

For time :
Buy in – 800m run together
100 Toes to bar
100 Power snatch @95/65# or ALt. DB Ps
100 box jump overs @24/20”
100 Wall ball @20/14#
Cash out: 800m run together
*split work up however wanted

Teams of 2:
3 rounds each:
50 double under or 100 singles
15 DB Hang POwer clean + jerk
*you go I go on each movement
3 rounds each:
200m run – Together
15 DB Double Power snatch
15 DB thrusters
*one person works on snatch while other thrusters then switch
3 rounds each:
10 burpees- together
20 jumping squats weighted
30/side Crossbody mountain climbers
*same as above

A1. Incline Barbell bench press. @21×1 x 4-5 tough reps right into 10 RIng push ups @same tempo x 4 sets
(or regular push ups)
Rest 30 sec
A2. Strict weighted strict pronated grip pull up @21×1 x 3-5 tough reps right into
10 Inverted Barbell rows @21×1 tough
Rest 30 sec
B. 3 super sets:
Standing DB military press x 12-15 tough reps
STanding DB Front raises x 12-15 tough reps
DB Hammer curls x 12-15 tough reps
DB Double bent over rows x 12-15 tough reps
C. Banded finisher if time:
100 banded high pulls
100 banded pull aparts
Break up however wanted in little amount of sets


10 Lateral lunge with T-spine rotation (L/R)
10 DB weighted squat to press out
10 seated external rotations left
10 seated external rotations right
10 downward dog push ups
x 2


A. Back squat 3 sec down 1 sec pause in bottom x 5 tough reps
Rest 15 sec
Double KB Front rack wall sit x 30-40 sec
Rest 2 mins b.t rounds
X 3 sets
B. 2:30min on /1:30 min off x 5 sets:
10 HSPU or Inverted Box push ups
10 Power cleans @135/95 or 95/65#
10 Alt. Pistols
AMRAP Cals on Air bike in remainder time

5 rounds:
45 sec DB Power clean to Thruster
45 sec Shuttle run
45 sec DB devils press
45 sec Jump lunge to Side Knee to elbow
45 sec DB Push up to renegade row
Rest 15 sec b.t each
Rest 1 min if need after full sets
Core finisher if time:
Coaches choice


Warm-up: Coaches Choice


For time :
Cal rowing
Ball slams
Box jump overs @24/20’
*15 min time cap
Rest 5 mins
For time:
DB Walking lunges @40/30# hand
Cal air bike
KBS @60/44# or 53/35#
*15 min time cap

Every 3:30min x 5 sets:
10 push ups
10 V-ups
20 air squats
15/side Cross-body Mountain Climber
10 Burpees
2 mins on/1 min off x 4-5 sets
200m run
Remainder time wall sit

A. 4 sets:
Strict pull up x 5 tough reps no tempo
Banded pull aparts x 15-20
Rest 30 sec
SA DB Push press 3 sec lower down x 10/arm
Bench dips or rings x 8-10 tough reps
Rest 30 sec
B. 12 min EMOM:
Min 1: 40 sec banded face pulls @11×1
Min 2: 40 sec barbell bicep curl 1 ½
Min 3: 40 sec DB High Pull to Lateral raises
MIn 4: 40 sec standing Banded tricep press downs
Rest 1 min b/t rounds if needed


400m Run
PVC Pass Throughs
Banded PVC lat Pull down


A. 1 Clean Pull + 1 power clean + 2 Hang Squat cleans – every 1:15 min x 8 sets
B. 15 min AMRAP:
15 Hang Power cleans @95/65#
200m run
15 Pull ups
20 jumping lunges per side
C. Finisher if time:
10/arm Seated DB ext. Rotation – slow and controlled
10 Seated Wall angels – controlled
10/side Plank hold with leg lifts pausing at top for 2 sec on each rep

X 2-3 sets
3 rounds:
20 wall ball tosses
20 alt. DB power snatch
20 wall ball tosses
10/arm DB Power cleans
7 min amrap:
40 jump rope singles
Wall ball sit ups
Rest 3 mins
7 min AMRAP:
1x run around island
2,4,6,8,10 etc…
DB SA Devil’s press


30 Jumping Jacks
10 Lateral lunge on sliders Right
10 Lateral Lunge on sliders Left
30 Mountain climbers on sliders
10 Push Ups
x 2 rounds


A. Every 2 mins x 4 sets:
5 Tough Barbell push press with 3 sec lower down
5/leg front rack reverse lunges
*most use same weight as push press
Every 2 mins x 4 sets:
30 sec Strict pull ups Supinated (use band if needed) or Tough ring rows
30 sec Banded face pulls
B. Every 5 mins x 4 sets:
500/400m Row
12 Deadlifts @135/95# or 115/85 or 95/65
9 front squats @135/95#
12 burpees over erg (scale here to 8-9 if needed)
*You should have a rest !!!!

A. 4 sets:
Barbell bench press x 6-8 tough reps pausing on chest 1 sec
Rest 15 sec
Seated DB Arnolds press x 10-15 tough reps
Rest 15 sec
Seated Bent over DB fly x 12-15 good reps
Rest 15 sec
Banded Bicep curls x 20-25 reps
Rest 90 sec
B. 12 mins steady flow:
200ft HEAVY Farmers carry
10/arm DB renegade rows tough
12-15 lying DB Skull crushers
12-15 Prone face lying chest fly

4 rounds:
20 Plate GTO @25/15#
20 Plate russian twist
20 Plate walking lunges
10 Burpees onto plate
Rest 1 min b/t rounds
Rest 3 mins
8-10 min AMRAP:
20 Plate hand walks
20 Plate squats
1x run around island