For time :
Buy in – 800m run together
100 Toes to bar
100 Power snatch @95/65# or ALt. DB Ps
100 box jump overs @24/20”
100 Wall ball @20/14#
Cash out: 800m run together
*split work up however wanted

Teams of 2:
3 rounds each:
50 double under or 100 singles
15 DB Hang POwer clean + jerk
*you go I go on each movement
3 rounds each:
200m run – Together
15 DB Double Power snatch
15 DB thrusters
*one person works on snatch while other thrusters then switch
3 rounds each:
10 burpees- together
20 jumping squats weighted
30/side Crossbody mountain climbers
*same as above

A1. Incline Barbell bench press. @21×1 x 4-5 tough reps right into 10 RIng push ups @same tempo x 4 sets
(or regular push ups)
Rest 30 sec
A2. Strict weighted strict pronated grip pull up @21×1 x 3-5 tough reps right into
10 Inverted Barbell rows @21×1 tough
Rest 30 sec
B. 3 super sets:
Standing DB military press x 12-15 tough reps
STanding DB Front raises x 12-15 tough reps
DB Hammer curls x 12-15 tough reps
DB Double bent over rows x 12-15 tough reps
C. Banded finisher if time:
100 banded high pulls
100 banded pull aparts
Break up however wanted in little amount of sets