30 Jumping Jacks
10 Lateral lunge on sliders Right
10 Lateral Lunge on sliders Left
30 Mountain climbers on sliders
10 Push Ups
x 2 rounds


A. Every 2 mins x 4 sets:
5 Tough Barbell push press with 3 sec lower down
5/leg front rack reverse lunges
*most use same weight as push press
Every 2 mins x 4 sets:
30 sec Strict pull ups Supinated (use band if needed) or Tough ring rows
30 sec Banded face pulls
B. Every 5 mins x 4 sets:
500/400m Row
12 Deadlifts @135/95# or 115/85 or 95/65
9 front squats @135/95#
12 burpees over erg (scale here to 8-9 if needed)
*You should have a rest !!!!

A. 4 sets:
Barbell bench press x 6-8 tough reps pausing on chest 1 sec
Rest 15 sec
Seated DB Arnolds press x 10-15 tough reps
Rest 15 sec
Seated Bent over DB fly x 12-15 good reps
Rest 15 sec
Banded Bicep curls x 20-25 reps
Rest 90 sec
B. 12 mins steady flow:
200ft HEAVY Farmers carry
10/arm DB renegade rows tough
12-15 lying DB Skull crushers
12-15 Prone face lying chest fly

4 rounds:
20 Plate GTO @25/15#
20 Plate russian twist
20 Plate walking lunges
10 Burpees onto plate
Rest 1 min b/t rounds
Rest 3 mins
8-10 min AMRAP:
20 Plate hand walks
20 Plate squats
1x run around island