:30 Pigeon L/R
:30 Worlds Greatest Stretch L/R
:30 Downward Dog
With an empty barbell:
5 x DL
5 x Hang High Pulls
5 x Front Squats
5 x Power Cleans
5 x Strict Press in Split Squat Position
rest :60 x 2-3 rounds

A. 2 Deadlift + 1 Hang Power clean + 1 Hang squat clean + 1 Split jerk -build to tough set over 10 mins
B. 3 sets:
Standing DB front raises @30×1 x 10-12 tough reps
Banded Goblet squats @30×1 x 10-12 tough reps
C. 3 mins on /1 min off x 4 sets
200m run
AMRAP In remainder time:
5 CTB/ Pu’s or 2 bar muscle ups
10 Pistols or walking lunges weighted

For time:
Double DB Power snatch
Box jump over
*10 min time cap
Rest as needed
10 mins:
30 sec AIr bike high effort
30 sec easy spin
30 sec left leg russian step up weighted
30 sec right leg russian step up weighted
30 sec rest
30 sec DB bench press
30 sec db lying skull crushers
30 sec rest
30 sec Hollow body flutter kick
30 sec leg lifts
X 2-3 rounds