8 sumo squat to stand

20 weighted cossacks

Prone I.Y.Ts (5 per position. Weighted or unweighted with thumbs to the ceiling.)

8 downward dog push ups

x 2 rounds


A. Box squat in back rack @11×1 x 8 tough reps x 3 sets

Rest 15 sec

Single leg wall sit x 15-20 sec per leg or Regular wall sit weighted for 30 sec 

Rest 90 sec 


5 min AMRAP:

3 Power Snatch @95/65#

6 push ups or HSPU

9 jumping air squats 

Rest 2 mins

5 min AMRAP:
10/7 Cal Air bike 

16 Deadlifts @ 135/95#

Rest 2 mins

5 min AMRAP:

3 Power Snatch @95/65#

6 push ups or hSPU

9 jumping air squats 


Finisher if time:

20 Barbell curls 

20 Tricep extensions w/ barbell or DB

20 Lying DB Lat pullovers tough

x 2-3 sets


20 min EMOM:

Min 1: 10/8 Cal Row

Min 2: 12 DB Thrusters

MIn 3: 10-15 burpees

Min 4: 10 DB Power clean + Jerks


90 sec on / 45 sec off:

7 sit ups 

7 push ups

7 air squats 

x 4-5 sets