10 Banded Good Mornings

10 Banded Thrusters

:30 Wall ball glute bridge

10 Stir the pot left/10 right on Wall Ball

x 2 rounds


A. Every 90 sec x 6-7 sets
1 Power clean + 1 Above knee hang squat Clean thruster + 1 Back squat + 1 BTN Jerk 

B. 10 mins steady flow:

Back rack Barbell Good mornings @20×1 x 10 reps

Rest 20 sec

Seated DB Military press @20×1 x 10 tough reps 

Rest 20 sec

Half kneeling TGU to Hand lean x 8-10/arm (working side core, keeping arm up and just reaching hand to ground back to upright)

Rest 20sec


3 rounds for time:

30 Wall ball @20/14#

30/27 Cal row 


Every 5 mins x 5 sets:

400m Run 

20 Plate ground to  OH 

20 Plate OH walking lunges

20/side plate Russian twist


Finisher :

40 sec Plate wall sit

20 sec rest

40 sec. jump rope

20 sec rest

40 sec Plate hand walks + Push up 

20 sec rest

x 3-4 rounds