Warm-up with an empty barbell:

5 clean dead lifts

5 high clean pulls

5 muscle cleans

5 fronts squats

5 strict press in the split squat

x 2 rounds


A. 2 TnG Power cleans + 1 Above knee squat clean + 1 split jerk every 1:15 min x 8 sets

B. 3 rounds:

Barbell good morning @30×1 x 8-10 good reps

Rest 20 sec

Side lying Banded clam shells @11×1 x 15/side reps

Rest 20 sec

20 Plank hold with rotating hip taps w/ 10 sec hold on last rep

Rest 20 sec 


Every 6 mins x 18 mins :

500/450m Row 

20 CTB or Pull ups 

30 DB walking lunges @50/35# ( 1 DB)


3 rounds for time:

30 Alt. DB power snatch 

15 Burpees over DB
rest 3-4 mins

For time:


DB Front squats

Cal Rowing or Bike or Ski erg

Ball Slams


Finisher if time:

25 banded face pulls

20/side Banded Paloff press 

x 2 -3 sets