150m leg only row – no arms
10 push ups
150m arms only row
20 hollow rocks
500m row
40 mountain climbers


4 rounds:
20/15 Cal rowing
10 burpees over rower
50 double under or 100 singles
10 burpees over rower
20/15 Cal rowing
Rest 2 mins b/t rounds
Core finisher if time:
20 Flutter Kicks
12 Long arm crunches
14 russian twists
10 side plank up/downs L/R
10 see saw planks
10 push-up to lunge
rest :45
x 3 rounds

4 sets:
8-10/arm DB bent over row on bench tough
Rest 30 sec
Inverted Barbell row @21×1 x 8-10 tough reps
Rest 30 sec
B. 3 sets:
DB Bench press crush grip @30×1 x 12-15 tough reps
Rest 30 sec
Push ups @20×1 x AMRAP Unbroken tough
Rest 30 sec
C. 3 sets:
20 DB tough hammer curls – no tempo
20 Tough banded face pulls tough
20 Banded fly on rig
Rest as needed

OUTSIDE!! – Weather permitting
Cardio day
3 rounds for time:
800m Run
30 no push up burpees
60 air squats
30 push ups
Rest 2-3 mins b/t rounds
*25 min time cap
*push the rounds rest and recovery to hit it again
Core finisher:
30 sec left side plank
30 sec right side plank
30 sec plank shoulder taps
30 sec lying toe touches
Rest 1 min
X 3 rounds