A. 1 Squat snatch or Power snatch every 40 sec x 15 reps 

B. 10 mins steady flow:

Supinated grip DB Bent over row ISO At top x 8/arm alt.

Rest 15 sec

8/leg Weighted cossack lunge alt.

Rest 15 sec

5/arm TGU to sit up

Rest 15 sec




11 min AMRAP:

11 DB Power cleans

11 Squat jumps

11 DB Push press

1x run around island

Rest 4 mins

11 min AMRAP:
11 DB thrusters

11 No push up burpees over DB
22 weighted sit ups



12-15 DB Bicep curls

12-15 DB Skull crushers

12 DB Plank pull throughs

4 rounds:

60 sec Row/bike/ski

30 sec rest

60 sec Alt. Reverse lunge to air squat 

30 sec rest

60 sec KBS 

30 sec rest

60 sec Burpee box jump overs

30 sec rest

60 sec ball slams

30 sec rest

60 sec Ab mat sit ups

30 sec rest


A. 10-8-6-4-2

Barbell bench press – all tough sets

Rest 20 sec

Strict pull up (weighted if possible )

Rest 20 sec

Lying DB Fly’s

Rest 20 sec 

DB preacher curls (single arm at a time)

Rest as needed b.t sets

*increase weight as reps go down make all sets tough 


3 sets:

Tall kneeling hammer curls @30×0 x 8-10 tough reps

Rest 30 sec

Single arm DB Tall kneeling push press with 3 sec lower down x 6-8/arm

Rest 30 sec

Tricep Dips x 15-20 (till almost failure)

Rest 30 sec 

Finisher if time:

10 DB High pull

10 DB Lateral raises

10-20 DB Push ups tough 

30 sec weighted plank

x 3 sets