Please note: Programming for MUSCLE will be the same on Saturdays and Sundays!

Warm up:
15 mins- Coaches Choice
For time
5 rounds:
40/30 Cal row
30 TTB or hanging knee raises or lying tuck ups
30 Power cleans @95/65#
*split up work however wanted
*30 min time cap

Partner WOD
For time:
150 wall ball
120 Burpees
90 KBS
60 Deadlifts TOUGH
30 Devils press
*At the top of every 3 mins Complete 20 Cal row
*split reps how ever wanted and in any order
*30 min time cap

A1. Incline DB Bench press @22×1 x 8-12 tough reps x 3 sets
Rest 30 sec
A2. Lying Chest flies @20×1 x 8-10 good reps x 3 sets
Rest 30 sec
A3. Banded Tricep press down standing @30×1 x 12-15 reps x 3 sets
Rest 30 sec
B1. Banded Strict pull ups @20×1 AMRAP Unbroken x 3 sets
Rest 30 sec
B2. DB lying lat pull over @20×1 x 10-15 reps x 3 sets
Rest 30 sec
B3. Banded pull aparts @20×1 x 10-15 tough reps x 3 sets
Rset 30 sec
C. finisher if time:
30 sec HEAVY farmers walk
10 sec rest
30 sec HEAVY Front rack carry KB
15 sec rest
30 sec KB DB OH Carry tough
30 sec rest
X 3-4 sets