:30 Mountain Climbers
:30 Scorpions
:30 Spiderman Push-ups
10 x SA KB swings right
10 x SA KB swings left
10 x Goblet squats to overhead press
x 2 rounds


A. 15-18 mins Steady flow
1 Strict barbell Press + 2 push press + 3 Push jerks
3-5 Weighted Strict pronated grip pull up tough or strict with 3 sec negative non weighted
15-20 Half kneeling banded Lat pull downs
20 plank up downs
5 rounds :
15/12 Cal Row or if there are no rowers left: 12/8 Cal bike (Target to jump over for burpees)
12 DB Front squats @40/25#
9 DB push press
6 burpees over rower
Rest 1 min b/t rounds
*20 min Time Cap

3 rounds for time:
30 Alt. DB power snatch
15 Burpees over DB
rest 3-4 mins
For time:
DB Front squats
Cal Rowing or Bike or Ski erg
Ball Slams
Finisher if time:
25 banded face pulls
20/side Banded Paloff press
x 2 -3 sets