Please note that due to the impending winter storm, the 5am, 6:15am 8am & 9:15am classes have been cancelled. Please check IG, FB, and your email at 11am for the afternoon schedule. If the weather does not cooperate, classes will be cancelled.

:30 Pec stretch L/R
:30 Tricep Stretch L/R
:30 Pigeon Stretch L/R
10 Slow release push ups
30 Mountain climbers
15 Air squats
x 2 rounds


A1. Close grip bench press x 6-8 tough reps x 4 sets
Rest 20 sec
A2. Double DB Bent over row W/ ISO Hold at top x 8-10/arm Tough x 4 sets
(Complete all reps on one arm then switch )
Rest 20 sec
A3. 5-7/arm Half kneeling KB or DB Windmill x 4 sets
Rest 20 sec
18 min AMRAP:
5 Deadlifts @185/125#
10 DB Thrusters @35/25#
15 Pull ups or KBS or 5 Bar muscle ups
50 double under or 75 singles

Or At home workout:
14 rounds for time
7 push ups
14 air squats
7 burpees
14 reverse lunges
Tabata sit ups
Tabata Mountain climbers
Tabata Wall sit