10 x Slam Ball Death March
10 x Slam Ball Squats
10 x Slam Ball Glute Bridges
10 x Slam Ball Single leg V-Ups

x 2 rounds


A. Back Squat @40×1 x 6-5-4-3 all tough sets

* go up in weight per set 

Rest 15 sec 

30 sec weighted wall sit 

Rest as needed b.t sets x 4 sets


2 mins on /1 Min off x 6 sets:

15/10 Cal Rowing 

5 Hang Squat cleans @135/95# or 95/65

MAX ball slams in remainder time 


Finisher if time:

Prone I.Y.T x 5/direction slow and controlled

20 plank up downs + 10-20 push ups 

20 tuck ups 

x 3 rounds


Every 4 mins x 5 sets:

200m Run 

20 jumping lunges

20 shoulder taps

10 push ups 


3 rounds:

45 sec Wall sit 

15 sec rest

45 sec air squats

15 sec rest

45 sec plank up down to toe reaches 

15 sec rest

45 sec burpees