Tuesday 10.27.20


Run Club is cancelled for tomorrow morning.


10 Empty Barbell Good Mornings

10 Banded Glute Kick Backs (video)

10 Push up into Cross Body Knee to Elbow

20 High knees (video)

x 2 rounds

A. 5 sets:

Banded Sumo Deadlift @31×1 x 4 reps 

Rest 20 sec

Rear foot elevated split squat x 6-8/leg with DB Bicep curl each rep (pause in bottom of lunge for curl )

Rest 20 sec

12-15 Banded delt flys on rig 

Rest 20 sec 


 14 min AMRAP:

1-2-3-4-5-6-7 etc…

Hang Squat snatch @95/65 or 75/55 

Burpees over bar

Toes to bar 


Banded finisher :

20 banded high pulls

20 banded bicep curls

20 banded pull aparts

X 3

4 rounds:

10 burpees

20 DB Hang Power clean + Jerks 

30 sit ups 

40 jumping lunges

Rest 2 mins b/t


12 min EMOM:

Min 1: 30 sec DB Hang double power snatch

Min 2: 30 sec weighted pulse squat

Min 3: 30 sec Crossbody MT. Climber + feet jack 

Monday 10.25.20



3 mins DU practice x 1


10 alternating thoracic rotations

10 push up with alternating shoulder taps

Front, lateral, reverse weighted lunges x 5/side

x 2 rounds


A1. Front squat @22×1 x 4 tough reps x 4 sets

Rest 30 sec 

A2. Strict Pronated Grip Pull ups  @20×1 x 4-5 tough reps right into ….

5 Tough DB Bent over row @40×1 x 4 sets 

(Use banded for pull ups and add weight if able to hit 4-5 no problem )

Rest 30 sec


Every 3 mins x 5 sets:

40 double under or 80 single

12-16 DB box step overs @40/25# per hand @24/20”

12 DB Push press @40/25# per hand 

*should Have rest, weight shouldn’t be heavy !!


Finisher if time:

15/side banded fire hydrants 

15/side Birddogs (bring opposite elbow to knee for full crunch in and out)

x 3 rounds 


10 rounds:

12 jumping lunges + paused squat

9 push ups 

6 Lying v-ups

100m sprint 

*walk rest back to start



20 air squats

20 curtsy lunges

20 jumping squats 

20 plank up downs 

20 shoulder taps

x 3 rounds

Rest 90 sec 



A. 1 Power snatch + 1 Hang Power snatch + 1 Squat Snatch + 1 OHS Every 2 mins x 10 mins

B. 3 rounds:

10/leg DB Weighted pulse jumping lunges

Rest 20 sec

8-10/arm Half kneeling DB Military tough @20×0

Rest 20 sec

12/side Plank rotations 

Rest 20 sec


For time:


Back squat @135/95 or 95/65

Lateral burpees over bar

HSPU or Push ups 

*16 min time cap 


4-5 rounds for time:

12 DB Deadlifts @40/25# per hand

10 Wall balls


Rest 5 mins


Every 7 mins x 3 rounds:

500m row/ski (450m for ladies)

15 DB Hang Power cleans

20 DB Reverse lunges

15 DB Push press 

20 crossbody Mt. Climbers + Jump jack feet


Partner Workout

For time:

100 KBS 

200 single under (both partners must compete at same time )

100 Goblet squats

400m Run together 

100 KB Sumo deadlift high pulls 

200 singles unders 

100 Weighted curtsy lunges 

400m run 

100 KBS 


Core finisher :

Coaches Choice =)


A1. Barbell narrow grip bench press @22×1 x 6-8 tough reps x 4 sets 

Rest 30 sec

A2. 6-8 /arm Tough single arm bent over rows on bench with 4 sec lower down 1 sec pause at top x 4 sets 

Rest 30 sec

A3. 6-8 tough DB Rear delt flyes with 4 sec lower down x 4 sets

Rest 30 sec

B. 4 rounds:

45 sec Barbell 1 1/4 bicep curls

15 sec rest

45 sec Banded face pulls @1111

15 sec rest

45 sec Seated or standing DB tricep ext. @30×1

15 sec rest

45 sec Push ups @30×1 

1 min rest

C. Leg finisher :

10/leg DB Weighted split squat jumps

Rest 15 sec

45 sec Weighted wall sit

Rest 15 sec

15/leg foot elevated calf raises weighted 

Rest 15 sec

x 3-4 rounds 

Partner Saturday


11 Rounds for Time (with a Partner)
4 Rope Climbs (15 ft) (Sub 12 x inverted barbell rows)
20 Alternating Dumbbell Squat Clusters (45/35 lb)
13 Box Jump Overs (24/20 in)
Time Cap: 40 minutes
With a running clock, as fast as possible perform the prescribed work in the order written for 11 rounds. Only one athlete works at a time. No minimum work required.

Score is the time on the clock when the last round of Box Jump Overs is completed.


Partner WOD


1,000m Run 


16 min AMRAP:

5 Push ups 

4 DB reverse lunges 

3 DB push press

2 thrusters 

5 burpees no jump at top 


Cash out..

1000m RUn 

*Run together but the AMRAP is You go I go, Partner rests while one partner complete a whole round

Friday 10.23.20



30 High Knees

30 Butt Kickers

10 Skater Squats

5 Negative Push ups with 3 count down

10 Push ups

10 Diamond Push Ups

x 2 rounds


A. 4 sets:

3 Strict press + 3 Push press barbell 

Rest 30 sec

6-8/leg DB Russian box step ups (not alt.)

Rest 30 sec

30-45 sec weighted plank 

Rest 30 sec 

B.  For time:


Hang power clean 

Alt Pistols or Weighted walking lunges 

Box jumps @24/20”

*weight on HPC goes up each round 

 115/75 then 135/85 and 155/95# 

*scale as needed 


A. 16 min EMOM:

Min 1: 30 sec DB Push press + 10 Sec hold on last rep

Min 2: 40 sec Cossack Lunge DB between legs 

Min 3: 30 sec DB Bent over row + 10 sec hold on last rep

Min 4: 20 sec DB left leg reverse lunge to knee lift + 20 sec DB Right leg reverse lunge to knee lift 

Rest 2-3 mins


Every 4 mins x 5 sets:

5 Devils press

10 DB Hang Power cleans

15 DB Front squats

20 Crossbody Mt Climbers

30 lateral hops